Tuesday 16 June 2015

Hi all!
At last some photos of ME! And this is Taz my new pal isn't he cute, couldn't get Mia on the photo as she was on the sofa hiding from the puppy, but there's some videos to come. It's really hot today so we are at home with Dad, Mums at the shop so we are out later when it cools down. I had lay in this morning until 8:30 (to make up for yesterday) so I had a burst of energy and guess what? Tang's leg came off and he went in the pond! So when we retrieved him I shook him all over the kitchen which was stopped straight away as the new wallpaper was splattered and Tang duly went into the washing machine AGAIN. Tomorrow is my light therapy session with Liz, she's very nice and it's very relaxing don't know what it does but its something to do with getting your poorly parts better. It's to help my arthritis and that ( I wonder if it will make me some new teeth) mind you, mum reckons its a good job I've got none when I'm bossy!
Enjoy the pictures and I will see you all tomorrow!
Shona xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Look at them both!! So cute! So proud of Shona for being such a loving young dog!x
